Hungarian Sweet Wax Pepper Seeds
10 seed per pack. I grew 6 here and we had an unbelievable amount of peppers.
These are amazing to stuff and roast, for salads and sandwiches.
Vigorous growers and my favorite part is they do quite well even in a cold climate such as we have here in the inner Mt Lofty Ranges. Plants can grow upwards of 160cm in the right conditions. With multiple fruit ripening at the same time. Very good value seed for climates ranging from Tropical-Mediterranean- colder rural Australian climates. These grow small to large fruit depending on conditions and soils.
Hungarian Sweet wax has a distinctive, aromatic, slightly sweetish flavour. Similar to a red capsicum but not quite as sweet. This type is not hot at all, and can be used in most dishes that call for a whole lot of flavour, and a burst of stunning colour. Or it can be dried to make your own sweet paprika.
Can be eaten green-red.
Grown here at Silver Springs Hops and Permaculture Farm in Mylor South Australia. Seed saved by our head horticulturalist in late May 2022.
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