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Hops Rhizome Pre-Orders 2023

Well its almost time to start digging our rhizomes. I realise there are a few people that like to get on the top of the rhizome list for the new season coming. Thats why we offer pre orders(it will pop up saying this product is on back order when you purchase).

How it works. Order you rhizomes now then once we start digging in early June. We ship yours out first. Usually this option is the best for people in Northern Australia as the winter there is far shorter than our winters down south.

Read the storage instructions once you recieve your rhizomes and keep them in storage until ready to plant out.

First rhizomes will ship around mid June. I cannot put an exact date on it but we have had a lot of rain and cold weather already so we shold be well on track to start shipping out early-mid june.

Many Regards Admin

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