The final rounds of stocktaking is happening. Seeing whats hidden in storage. This will be your last chance to purchase rhizomes in 2024. After this stock there will be nothing else rhizome wise until June 2025.
Regards Admin
Cascade Rhizomes have arrived
Some Cascade zomes have arrived from Victoria. They will be the last i have this year.
Most of the big Cs are still in stock. Ill try and get some more this week. This will be the final dig of 2024 rhizome season.
Cheers Admin
Rhizome season coming to a fast end
Soil has started warming up here. Have found feeler shoots today so I will have to stop digging this week. What ever is in the inventory now likely wont be getting dug again so thats all we will have.
A hops yard revamp is under way so hopefully we will have more Hallertau, Target and Saaz again next year. Plenty of Chinook and Centennial left. Cascade I ordered has come in but its not looking very good so I will try to revive it a little I doubt ill have much more than 10 of those to come.
Cheers Admin
Shipping Price Rise…again
Due to the ongoing mismanagement of Australia Post by their CEO. We have had to raise prices for shipping costs inline with Australia Posts new parcel charges. Unfortunately, this has no sight in end as the mismanagement in question continues to lead to higher shipping cost for us. Which unfortunately we have to pass onto our customers.
Nothing huge only a few dollars. Still we can see it is very inconvenient for everyone at a time when every dollar counts in a cost of living crisis. I think the Australia Post Board Members needs to have a good hard look at themselves. Since they dont seem to be able to run a profitable business even though they have a monopoly on Australian post.
All we can say is YOU WILL save money growing your own hops at home! So thats the plus in all of this. Happy growing!
Regards Admin
Hops Rhizome 2024 Update
Hello everyone,
Well its been a challenging Summer and even more challenging Autumn. We basically have had no rain since late last year. Great thing we have a lot of water and can irrigate in Autumn. Ive been unsure how well the rhizomes would have gone. Looks like we will have some decent numbers however. I will be moving and revamping the upper part of the yard this year and reworking the beds for the Hallertau, Target and Dr Rudi. So they will be a little later this year. Cascade has come pretty good after moving it and starting again.
As per usual I have no real idea of what we will have this year until it rains more and I start digging. Our soil is specifically heavy loam here so its extremely hard to dig when its dry. Hopefully the cycle has broken and we will get some more rain soon.
Coir twine 15m will be here sometime in mid July. I will have some 15mx 3mm that I have to bundle up this week so we have some more stock of that. Ill keep digging as we run low of the stock posted now.
As per usual please contact us if you are after large bulk orders.
Regards Admin
Unfortunate Shipping Cost Increases
Due to the ongoing incompetence of the new Australia Post CEO. Unfortunately, we will have to raise our shipping rates as the country prices are now significantly higher than the city prices. Which really for Australia is ridiculous that country people should be subsidising city postage. As this now seems to be the case we will be rising our prices to better reflect the market and allow country Australians to enjoy the same shipping prices as their city counterparts.
We feel this is much fairer for everyone having a flat rate cost as some country areas are far more expensive to ship to than we actually charge for shipping. Im not sure why its up to us to have to make a fair shipping price system. It seems we are just living in this day and age where small business picks up the pieces big business cants seem to get right. Price rises aren’t much but they are needed and lets all hope the CEO decides he should just leave his really high paying position. Which I highly doubt will happen without a big push from someone in Government. Looks like they are here to stay so we will just have to deal with it as best we can.
Regards Admin
Rhizome season closing soon
Stocktake completed today. Will attempt to dig more but it is warming up here quite fast so this will likely be the last rhizome stock of 2023. Chinook and Centennial bulk rhizomes currently available contact us for more information.
Regards Admin
Rhizome Season 2023
G’day. We have been busy digging and mailing out orders. We now are fully stocked. I may have Saaz and more Hallertau but at this stage I cannot guarantee that. The Hallertau M has grown down behind a wall that I will have to remove with the excavator. Saaz was moved last year and hasn’t grown enough for more rhizomes this year. I maybe able to source some of my stock back from a customer. That is pending so I will let everyone know.
All the big Cs are good and plenty in stock. Contact us for bulk orders. We have started to collect a fair bit of bulk stock so we can start doing them more regularly now. We have fully caught up on pre orders now so we are shipping out all new order on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Cheers Admin
Hops Rhizome Pre-Orders 2023
Well its almost time to start digging our rhizomes. I realise there are a few people that like to get on the top of the rhizome list for the new season coming. Thats why we offer pre orders(it will pop up saying this product is on back order when you purchase).
How it works. Order you rhizomes now then once we start digging in early June. We ship yours out first. Usually this option is the best for people in Northern Australia as the winter there is far shorter than our winters down south.
Read the storage instructions once you recieve your rhizomes and keep them in storage until ready to plant out.
First rhizomes will ship around mid June. I cannot put an exact date on it but we have had a lot of rain and cold weather already so we shold be well on track to start shipping out early-mid june.
Many Regards Admin
Australia Post price increases
Just a bit of fore warning for everyone. Australia post has increased their costs a fair bit on all package sizes. Specifically 1kg and under. My discount for band 3 is now rather minimal compared to before these price rises. There will be a $1-2 increase on most shipping sizes. We cannot wear the costs ourselves. However we will endevour to make them as low as possible. Just to cover our packaging costs. This will happen in the next week or two.