Due to the ongoing incompetence of the new Australia Post CEO. Unfortunately, we will have to raise our shipping rates as the country prices are now significantly higher than the city prices. Which really for Australia is ridiculous that country people should be subsidising city postage. As this now seems to be the case we will be rising our prices to better reflect the market and allow country Australians to enjoy the same shipping prices as their city counterparts.
We feel this is much fairer for everyone having a flat rate cost as some country areas are far more expensive to ship to than we actually charge for shipping. Im not sure why its up to us to have to make a fair shipping price system. It seems we are just living in this day and age where small business picks up the pieces big business cants seem to get right. Price rises aren’t much but they are needed and lets all hope the CEO decides he should just leave his really high paying position. Which I highly doubt will happen without a big push from someone in Government. Looks like they are here to stay so we will just have to deal with it as best we can.
Regards Admin